May 31
722 – Charity Turds
Annoy Your Friends
Join Tom and Dan on a captivating Friday Free Show LIVE stream filled with quirky topics and intriguing conversations. Get ready to dive into the world of tough grandmas and old woods hags while exploring the fine line between abuse and strictness. The show features engaging discussions about BDM emails, merpeople, dental hygienist switch-ups, and the heartwarming story of Rockville’s biggest fan. Plus, discover the curious case of Natalia Grace and witness the hilarity of a 30-box pizza one-wheel video. Tune in for a unique blend of humor, curiosity, and offbeat charm.
Show Notes:
– Tough Grandmas: Tom and Dan share entertaining stories and anecdotes about tough grandmas who have left a lasting impression. Prepare to be amazed by these remarkable individuals’ resilience and unique character.
– Old Woods Hag: Explore the mysterious world of old woods hags and the intriguing legends surrounding them. Discover the folklore and myths that have captivated imaginations throughout history.
– Abuse vs. Strictness: Engage in a thought-provoking conversation about the delicate balance between abuse and strictness in parenting and discipline. Explore different perspectives and societal views on this complex subject.
– BDM Emails to Sign Back Up: Tom and Dan discuss receiving BDM (Big Dick Millionaire) emails and encourage listeners to sign up for exclusive shows, original episodes, and private BDM parties. Join the BDM crew for a unique and entertaining experience.
– Merpeople: Take a deep dive into the enchanting world of merpeople, the mythical beings of the sea. Discover the legends, lore, and fascination surrounding these captivating creatures.
– Dental Hygienist Switchup: Tom and Dan share amusing and awkward tales of dental hygienist switch-ups. Laugh along as they recount their experiences with surprises during dental visits.
– Caller Who Loved Rockville: A special caller expresses their love for Rockville, reminiscing about the joy and excitement of the event. Experience the enthusiasm and camaraderie that music festivals bring.
– Brady of Rockville: Get to know Brady, an intriguing figure from Rockville, as Tom and Dan share his unique stories. Explore the vibrant atmosphere and memorable moments that make Rockville a cherished experience.
– Luca Merchandise: Exciting news for Luca fans! Tom and Dan discuss the availability of Luca merchandise, allowing listeners to show their support and indulge in their love for the adorable pod-lizard.
– Gather the Turds/Charity Turds: Join Tom and Dan in their noble cause of gathering turds for charitable purposes. Learn the creative and amusing ways they engage their audience in contributing to worthy causes while having a good laugh.
– Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Explore the intriguing and controversial story of Natalia Grace, involving allegations of age fraud and adoption. Delve into the details surrounding this unusual case that has captured public attention.
– 30-Box Pizza One-Wheel Video: Prepare to laugh as Tom and Dan share a hilarious video featuring a 30-box pizza being transported on a one-wheel vehicle. Enjoy the absurdity and comical mishaps in this entertaining clip.
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Stitcher: [A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-show)
Spotify: [A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan](https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH)
iHeartRadio: [A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/)
Google Podcasts: [A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG9tYW5kZGFuLmNvbS9yYWRpb2FmZmVzdGJ1Y2tldA)Join the BDM crew and enjoy exclusive shows, original episodes, and private BDM parties. Sign up at [BDM Registration](https://tomanddan.com/registration)
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Watch the live stream on [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive) or [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@tomanddanlive) for behind-the-scenes fun and interactive experiences.
Note: Show notes are subject to editing and may not represent the full content of the episode. Tune in to the Friday Free Show LIVE stream for the complete experience!
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