Oct 27
BDM’s are everywhere!
Annoy Your Friends
Last night, the wife and I went out to see our friend Lee who was having a little “I’m back in town” gathering over at “The Sloppy Taco Palace.” Many of you guys might remember him from the Quarry when he was known as “British Lee” and from a couple of our podcasts that he participated in. (Fantastically creative name, huh? We always laughed about that. British Lee? What the F? Based on that I guess I’m “Florida Dan.”) Welcome back buddy; it was really good to see you again!
That’s not the meat of my mini-blog post though! So, I’ve got another buddy (pictured above) who has been in the Nashville area for quite some time but still has ties to Orlando and to “A Mediocre Time.” He’s a writer/producer from that area named Logan Sekulow and he just happen to be heading out to the Franklin, Tennessee “Pumpkinfest.” Now I get reports of shit like this happening all of the time but sometimes you just have to see it to believe it and this was one of those times. So Logan texts me and says “You’re not going to believe this, man! BDM’s are everywhere!” Apparently that the case. Here’s a photo of Logan and an unidentified “Tennessean” both donning last year’s “T&D Hoodie” at the same Pumpkinfest but having no idea who the hell each other is! What are the freaking odds???!!!
Either way you both look stunning in last years hoodie and for those of you that didn’t have the opportunity to grab one of those, we hope to make this year’s even better. Tom and I have been working on the design all week and are really trying to come up with something super sweet as the weather starts to take a little dip.
Just had to share that with you guys and thanks again to Logan (and the other BDM) for the photo and for supporting the show!
See you today at Johnny’s Other Side for beer and football,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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