Dec 31
Happy #Snoots Year…
Annoy Your Friends
It’s fairly easy for Tom and me to get into a room and just talk shit. We like to talk. We like to talk to each other and laugh…pretty simple equation. The “not-so-simple” part is thanking all of the people that helped us make 2011 a HUGE year for “AMT.”
From the obvious like Divups and The Danger Brain who kicked our new site into high gear…to the even more obvious, like Ross…we thank you all for your support, time and hard work. (Not you Ross…)
Thanks to our friends at the Shipyard Emporium who did a great job of handling our 2 year anniversary party…remember…when we gave a away that ping-pong table? What about The Oblivion Taproom where we had our last #Snootsgiving celebration? We’ve been extremely lucky to have worked with some really great rooms this year to throw shindigs for you “scumbags.” Thanks for allowing us to bring our family to your place of business for a few nights…great stuff.
What about @MediJocre who single handedly created and engineered the “MediocreApp” and yes…he’s currently working on the Android version!!! He’s really been working his ass off to help us tighten things up and has tons planned for 2012…we can’t wait to show you where things are going to go! (We might not even know yet…)
What about Tiffany Martin and her band Dollface for all of their entertainment, not only being on the show but also that they’ve provided at parties and Mediocre Meet-ups? She’s been a supporter from day one and is truly one of the greatest friends of the show. Love ya, Tiff.
All love to Brad and Charlie from Enemy Ink!!! If you ever wonder where and how your shirts get produced…well these are “those” guys. Brad is always checking, fixing, tweaking and double tweaking orders for you kids. We have nothing but thanks to the Enemy Ink guys and wouldn’t have any merch if it wasn’t for them. Thanks fella’s…we’ll be ordering again soon!
Finally…to those of you that download, listen, buy shirts and tell others about the show…we really thank you all from the bottom of our cold, black hearts. We’re 1000 times further than we ever thought that we’d be and we know that’s because of you and your support…
…so on behalf of Tom and me…be safe tonight. It’s ok to have “No Heart, No Soul” but make sure to be safe when you do that and to not “…get your dick in a sharks mouth.” The last thing that we’d want to see is a bunch of our “scumbags” with “…Frankenstein bitting their tittes.”
Eat your butt,
Tom and Dan
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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