Jan 20
We’re Hiring! / “As Dreamers Do”
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there folks!
Well, it’s time to say goodbye to Nashville, Tennessee and all of the fine folks that we met here. We do not have enough thanks for our friends creating the “As Dreamers Do” movie and the fact that they thought we’d be the perfect kind of guys to play gentlemen who sit around barbershops all day sipping out of flasks. Go figure. (Speaking of which, I’m pretty excited to get home and get myself a fresh haircut. Minus the flask.) We both had an outstanding time and hopefully we’ll get a opportunity to work with these cats again in the near future. Logan, Will, and every one that we met on cast and crew were outstanding and there is no doubt that I will place this trip in one of my “Top 10.” Also, as a special bonus to all of our “Friday Free Show” listeners, we’ll have a complete interview with director Logan Sekulow and producer Will Haynes.
You can go to http://www.waltmovie.com/ to find out a little bit more about the movie and to check out the teaser trailer.
On a final and bit more serious note, we are currently taking resumes and applications for “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” interns. This is bittersweet for both of us because by design we are a 2 man operation. We handle every aspect of what we do and where the show and company go, first hand. With that said, the ability for both of us to be constantly free to edit or tie up loose ends is getting more and more difficult by the day. The conclusion was made that we are in need of a few valiant interns who might know their way around audio and video editing. Unfortunately for those of you who might see this as an opportunity to be a part of the show, this is 100% legitimate and is tailored for those individuals who are currently active in school. This is also NOT an on-air or show position. (We will not be painting your tits with green shamrocks or tazing your balls. Sorry.) You will be taking direction from us to complete various audio and video projects as well as organizing show concepts and interview opportunities. Based on your current college situation, you can and will receive credit for all work completed for the show. If you or someone that you know is interested in this opportunity, please fire off an email to Show@TomandDan.com with your resume and/or details of how you think you might fit into our extremely small “mediocre” family.
Alright! Have a great Monday! BDM Member shows will be up as soon as I can get my ass off the plane and back to the studio to edit and post them. We think you’re really going to like them because a solid 80% was recorded in and around the streets of Nashville.
Talk with you soon,
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