Jun 16
Show #164 – Pedro says…REAL TALK. (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks so much to our guest this week, comedian Pedro Lima. He’s an amazing guy who’s always been sweet to us…so in turn, we will always be sweet to him. (Look him up on Facebook and Twitter: @ricangorilla) Great dude. It never surprises me that we have an abundance of great talent in this area. It’s right under your noses folks…you’ve just got to look for that shiz a little bit. It’s not too hard to find. Thanks Pedro…we can’t wait to have you back…
On today’s show:
Pedro Lima LIVE in studio.
“Light Beer”
El Chupapodcast at RampantRadio.com
It’s a Wonderful Life.
1978 Superman.
Comedy road trips.
“I don’t want to be a God damn walking Ross.”
No more sonograms on Facebook. Please.
Thanks again for checking out the show, guys. Make sure and be active on TomandDan.com because we paid a shit ton of music for that site! (Can’t you tell…it’s pretty f’n amazing, huh?) Thanks to all of you for downloading. It means more than you know.
See you next week.
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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