Aug 03
Show #171 – So you wanna beat a DUI… (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
It’s a great day at Tom and Dan-fil-a…thanks for supporting and tuning in to Show #171 of “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!” We’ve been itching to get back with you guys! We had a hell of a week and we’re super happy to be back with you guys. Make sure and check out our new video from Lake Conway Wipeout and leave a few comments on TomandDan.com. We love having you guys on there and seeing the interaction. It’s great stuff!
On today’s show:
Dog Alzhimers
zzz meds
Card Declined
“That Bitch!”
Couch Caddy
Paul the Handyman
“Dress Me!”
AK Knife
Russian Bride
“I had to eat me some Cheez-Its! I’m drunk!”
DUI Advice
Thanks as always for listening and we still have a few of the “Eat Those Peppers” shirts at TomandDan.com …We have ladies sizes and a few more XLs ready to do. Stickers are on the site now too so take advantage of that now while we still have them in stock.
See you next week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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