Jan 25
Show #196 – Racist porn and Billy Bungee. (Show Recap…)
Annoy Your Friends
We start the show off again with Dan’s Mom being Fart-o-Gram’ed. Dan would like to take this time to apologize to his Mother. We’re very, very sorry that we exploit you and your newly retired self for the benefit of our podcast. (But we do love you…) Thanks to this week’s new #BDM’s! There are a ton of new people that like to subscribe to our Tuesday show! Thanks folks! We have a great time and love having you guys around for our subscription based show! Remember, you get one “OG” or older show released on Tuesday and you always get one new show. www.TomandDan.com/register
On today’s show:
Sell your Fart-o-grams?
26 Fresh Clothing and our buddy Dan Thompson
Dan now works for Orlando City Soccer Club
Ben Bungee
Tom and Dan Shirt Issues
Selling out?
“Racist Porn of the Week.”
There’s more to this show but we think that Ross got drunk and then stopped writing things down. Thanks as always for listening and please make sure and go to iTunes and rate the show 5-stars and leave us a little review. We have a blast doing this for you for free on Fridays and hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Thanks for everything,
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