Jul 17
Show #323 – Can T’s Be Too Perfect?
Annoy Your Friends
This week’s “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” was pure insanity. I don’t think that I’ve laughed that hard in a really, really, really, REALLY long time! We did news. We did emails. We talked to a hitchhiker but the best part to me was the “We’re Going to Pay Your Ticket” Tom Vann challenge! Talk about things that we’re NOT properly thought out! This might be the greatest mistake in broadcasting. Thanks to “Cruisin’ Tony” for stopping by! If you’re not already signed up for the “2016 Tom and Dan Cruise” feel free to grab all of the info at TomandDanCruise.com. Last years was amazing and we’re really looking forward to 2016. It should be amazing! We have tons and tons and tons of brand new merch on the website – TomandDan.com. 2 new tank tops and 2 new t-shirt designs. Make sure and check them out! Great stuff.
On this week’s show:
-Car inspections
-Tom saves a turtle
-El Chapo
-Oliver Sponsors
-Publix Fight
-Sticker/ticket challenge
Thanks to all of you for listening and to all of you that took the time to catch us LIVE. We had an outstanding day today and we’re so happy and thankful to all of you that support the show.
Have a fantastic weekend and we’ll see you next week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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