Jan 10
Show #246 – Black Bottle Boys
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks to all of you that have been voting for us for the 2013 Stitcher Awards. We really, really, really appreciate it. It means more than you know…truly. It was FANTASTIC to have Ross back on the show this week. (Samantha is always great. Big ol’ tits.) We miss that dude and we’re glad that he had a fantastic Christmas and New Years. Keep voting, people! We’re so close to losing this thing…come on people…we’re going to lose this thing so bad! LET’S DO THIS!!!
On this week’s show…
Whitman Samplers
Sneaky French Rat
Tom’s Craig’s List deal
Tom’s Waterbed debacle
Dan cuts off a hearse
Rich “Kitchen” Drawers
Conjoined Twins
Michael Bay’s freakout
D-Rugg’s “Beat That Movie Down”
Thanks kids…we’ll see you all next week where we’ll be LIVE from Philly!
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