• Jul 04

    Show #269 – TRIBUTE TO AMERICA!


    Annoy Your Friends

      Fireworks Celebration

      Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to download and be a part of the show. And, before we forget, Happy 4th of July! Today, Tom decided to celebrate America by having listeners to the show call in and tell us the horrible experiences that they’d had in other parts of the globe. Did it work? You be the judge. Personally, I’m still waiting on a ruling from judge Tom and the winner will receive a t-shirt and other Tom & Dan gear! (Obviously this is quite the departure for Tom as back in the day you could never get him to part with one of his precious f’n Tom & Dan shirts!)

      On this week’s show:

      Tom and Dan’s Tribute to America

      Call Ross! He’s Late!

      Mexico Hell Story-The B.A.N.

      South Korea – No Pants

      Haitian Adoption Story

      Germany Story – The Stripper Scam

      Leo – Venezuela Real Man

      Katy Perry’s Big Balloons

      Thanks again to all of you for listening and taking the time to download the show. We love you guys and we’ll see you Wednesday for the NEW “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” show on Real Radio 104.1. It’s debuts Wednesday nights at 7pm and will replay on Saturday mornings at 10am. Thanks to all of you for the support. Without the support and the created popularity we would never have the chance to even do anything like this. We’re excited to bring more shows to you guys. Thanks again.


      Posted By dan on July 4 2014 | Comments (0 )


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