May 21
Show #367 – Dan On Air Anxiety Attack
Annoy Your Friends
Well, that wasn’t cool. But it was real. I’ll get back to that…
Thanks to all of you who caught the show live and downloaded later. I was off of my game and apparently dealing with anxiety that’s been ramping up for the past couple of weeks. I’m not sure how to describe it to you guys other than I have not been sleeping well – been having nightmares about dead family members – impending feeling of worry and sadness – and not being able to focus. I’m on some meds right now but it looks like I’m going to head to the doc and see if I need to adjust or change them a bit. I love to work and when that’s not fun or when I’m not focusing – that’s a really bad thing. I guess if there’s anything good that could come out of this it’s the amount of people that have emailed me and sad that they’ve dealt with or ARE dealing with exactly the same thing. Anxiety is a fucking bitch and for those of you that are in the same boat as me, please know that I feel you! It’s strange being able to chronicle an attack while being on the show and that’s certainly a first for me but yeah – like I wrote above – it was real. Ok…moving on.
Normally we have notes for the show. Samantha does a fantastic job of writing all of that down and then sending it to me later for the site. We were without Samantha for this particular show so…I got nothing. Hahaha.
If you didn’t get a chance to check out the Corey Holcomb interview that we did before yesterday’s Friday Free Show, you might want to check that out. Not only was he a great guest, but many people have said that he seemed to fit in on the show seamlessly. I would completely agree with that. I actually wasn’t that familiar with him so I wasn’t sure what to expect but he was amazing! Also – I got a few emails from people that caught his Friday night Improv set and said that his stand up was some of the best that they’d ever seen. (He’s at the Orlando Improv all weekend long. If you’re planning on heading out there, be sure to wear some Tom and Dan gear and let him know that you heard him on the show! The code word is “Dope Dick.” He’ll know what we’re talking about.)
That’s about it from here. Have a fantastic Saturday and Tom and I will see many of you at the Orlando City match.
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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