Feb 16
Annoy Your Friends
Oh Hi Mark,
Well, well, well…look who decided to come crawling back. Think I’d forgive you? Well, you are right. Another week in the books as the year continues to fly by. Laughter really does help when there are so many sad stories in the news as of recent. I hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day. If you’re single, I love you. If you’re in a relationship, I love you. Well, enough with the love talk…here’s what we discussed on the show.
*Tom is Old
*Tom Learns How to Use GIFs
*Dan Peeing in a Movie Theater
*Abandoned Bunkers
*Best Cracker
*Does Viagra Give Women Shark Fins?
*Tuddle Calls the Show
*Men Suffer from Colds More Than Women
*Lee is Tim McDonalds
We’re getting closer and closer to so many events. The most important one is my birthday. Make sure you come out to the “Pre-Cruise Party” at Red Cypress this Sunday (the 18th). Samantha’s got a BDM meetup at Disney tomorrow (17th) and her show’s 1 year anniversary is next Friday (23rd) at Dead Lizard. I’m excited about the cruise next month. I’m gonna wear a bathrobe everywhere and enjoy the words “ALL YOU CAN EAT”. I’m fatter than ever. Hopefully, you’ll be on the cruise too. If not…I love you.
Be good and listen to The Cramps. Pretzels is the same.
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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