Feb 21
Show #559 – Orbyone Kanorby
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there, gang!
Did you know that you can watch the show? We broadcast LIVE on Twitch, and all flagship shows are edited and then re-released on YouTube for those that love the video component of the show.
You can find us on Twitch HERE: www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive
You can find us on YouTube HERE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMediocreTime
Before we get to the notes, here’s how to find us!
Other podcasts aggregates or scrapers:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478
TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH
On this week’s show:
* Big Tim is here
* Tom’s devil boat luck
* Dan’s song about Tom’s boat
* Rename Tom’s boat- Orbi Wan Kinorbi
* Butler is going to a Star Wars toycon
* Infinifat
* Juan calls in for nerd talk
* Dr. Meth
* Advice for a Vegas bachelor party
* Pepe Josh
* Big Tim’s conspiracies
* German encryption company
* “I don’t even know”- Butler
…Tom is heading out to get his boat all ready for its first sail tomorrow. (We’ll have to see how this goes. Butler was last seen telling Tom that he would blow off his R&B yoga, so he could be Tom’s, new first mate. 😬)
We’ll “talk to you” tomorrow morning when we release the ACT best of and we’ll see BDM folks on Monday!
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