Sep 11
Show #587 – Grammy with a Maggie
Annoy Your Friends
Dearest T&D Family,
I just got home from handling a few more piles of bullsh*t that comes with the death of a family member – in a town that I don’t want to be in – talking to people that I don’t want to talk to.
And, let me be clear, they’re all wonderful people.
I’m just not in the mood to be handling all of this. Not that anyone would be, but I’m just trying my best to execute Mamma’s wishes, be kind to those that cared for her, and also not collapse in the process and I’ve got to tell you, this sh*t is hard. I’m not sure how Mom did all of this when Dad died and didn’t freak the f*ck out. It’s terrible. Simply terrible. I’m really sorry that I haven’t been able to get back to all of you and reply to all of your kind and thoughtful comments, well wishes, and prayers. It means the world to me – every comment is helpful in propping me up, and getting me back to the way that I need to be.
You guys are amazing and I love you all so much.
You’re one of the only reasons that I’m even ok. You guys, my amazing and fantastic wife, and my kind, loving, and hilarious daughter who seems to know that lately, I need a good laugh.
My head hurts, so I’m going to wrap it up but not without saying to all of you how much you all meant to Mom. Mom really enjoyed being on the show. She did. Her friends would mention it and they always got such good laughs out of it. To those that met Mom on a T&D Cruise, you know how much she enjoyed being just a little part of this community that we have all created. You guys are so amazing! Thank you for helping to prop me up. This is what we do and please know that I will be there for all of you, just as you have been there for me.
I love you guys.
Have a cold one for Mama.
❤️ d
On this week’s show:
* RIP #GrammyWithAMaggie
* Tom’s bedtime stories
* Broom racin’
* Seth reads Harry Potter on the show
* Pancake House
* Seth’s IHOP melee
* Christmas experience at Gaylord Palms
* Birdseed bell
* Trulieve Santa
* Backwards tattoo
* Dan featured on the Sean Paul Peloton ride
* Racoons let the bees in
* Family Matter- “Lovely Hat!”
* Mattress Sizes
– d
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