Nov 10
“State of the Studio:” Part Two
Annoy Your Friends
I think the very first thing that we’re finding out is that this is going to be a much longer process than we could have ever imagined! It’s the lining up all of the little parts of the build out that is so damned hard.
“During the finishing process.” Photo from Drew Montes
“Not mounted but in the studio and waiting on carpet.”
Here’s a picture of the new studio console desk that we’re going to be mounting to the wall after the carpet does or does not get installed. Our friend and fellow listener Drew Montes made this by hand and it’s frigg’n amazing!!! It’s everything that we could have hoped for in a new, larger, studio console. This will be taking the place of our current, cheap, IKEA desk that we’ve been using for the past 6 years. Truth be told, it has been one of the best pieces of furniture that I’ve ever owned. One of the best 70 dollars that I’ve ever spent. (If IKEA and it’s founder Ingvar Kamprad are reading this, we will gladly pimp your products. Total sellouts.)
“Cheap yet effective. Still in great condition 6 years later and hundreds of hours of broadcasting in.”
Everything is sort of in a holding pattern as we find out what’s going to happen with our custom carpet. The plan is to get this amazing print – printed on said carpet and then get it installed before we set any furniture in there. If we can pull it off – it’s going to be amazing but there’s still the offset chance that we’re being a bit to advantageous with our idea. Gotta shoot for something, right? We’re trying to make this studio the best in town and that makes me very, very proud.
“This is proposed carpet pattern via the wonderful minds at The Danger Brain. Cross your fingers on this one folks.”
“A mock up of the carpet installed. Pardon but it looks fucking amazing!”
Right now Tom is out arguing with a German woman and trying to rent us a storage unit to hold all of the “gear” that we’ve acquired over the past 6+ years. Plus, our merch selection is just WAY to big to sit in the garage anymore. I can barely get my car in there so this is the next logical step.
I hope that you guys enjoy the update or lack there of and we really can’t wait to bring the show to you from there! Amazing days are upon us folks!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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