Nov 22
Thanks! – BABBF2
Annoy Your Friends
Tom did a great job of thanking all of you for hanging with us yesterday at the 2nd annual “Bad at Business Beerfest” but I thought it would be important to thank him.
Bro puts his creativity, dedication, and hard work into attempting to plan some of the best FREE events that this town and the sounding areas have ever seen. We’re really trying to change the game – truly. So much in fact that I’m starting to see other media outlets attempt to emulate exactly what we’re doing with our FREE events. That’s when you know that you’re doing it right! I’m so proud that I work with him.
Thanks to all of the breweries that gave their time and delicious beer to our multitude of listeners.
Thanks to Paul from the West End Trading Company/Celery City Craft for always being a more than fantastic venue and host.
Thanks to Tom’s wife Crystal and friend Kyle for holding the merch tent down.
Thanks to Ross, Samantha, and all of the listeners that helped us put up and tear down all of our gear.
All of you are the best and make doing this so much easier. As Tom said – one of these days we’re going to get clear skies but until that day – fuck it – let’s just enjoy what we’ve got! Our listeners are amazing and you are the reason that our show continues to compete independently with long time established media outlets and we’re winning.
Thanks again. We love you.
(Some of you I’ll see later today at the Sanford Sofa and Suds sofa races!)
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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