Dec 22
Tom, Dan, and Channel 4’s RudeTube…finally edited…
Annoy Your Friends
I finally got around to editing and converting the part of RudeTube that we were on for their end of the year special called “Extreme Rides.” They were nice enough to allow us to use the parts that we were in so you US listeners get to check it out. In case you were wondering, yes, they did send a producer to interview us for a combined time of 14 seconds. All in all, we can’t thank the final people at Channel 4’s RudeTube enough to including us and for being so damned nice. They even used “Fiddling Titties” as the credits for this particular show…that was completely unexpected. “Fiddling Titties” was definitely a flop compared to the original and we look at it like it was our “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” or in other words…a giant hunk of shit.
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