May 09
Tom & Dan Select Cuts #1
Annoy Your Friends
This week, Tom Vann – Dad Man – is currently enjoy the birth of his new little boy Tommy. In preparation because we had a great deal of time to plan, Tom (yes Tom!) put together a list of his favorite show moments from the past 5 years. Some are old. Some are “origin stories.” Some are bits that are just so dang good that you’ve got to keep listening to them over and over and over. Unlike what we used to do at the Quarry, we actually took a great deal of time to prepare this show for you and to select things that we thought would really make your Friday morning better. Special thanks and love to Samantha for doing 99% of the editing and gathering on this track and from all of us here at “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan,” we really hope you enjoy every minute of it!
Have a great weekend and we’ll be back LIVE next week!
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