Mar 25
663 – D-Kabob
Annoy Your Friends
Here’s to wishing you one of the finest weekends that you’ve ever had, with people that make you happy and smile. No, seriously. I mean it. Tom and I will be working on our T&D AirBnB this weekend and you might find us out at Pints and Paws. You just never know! See you next week and next time, bring a friend! – d
On this week’s show:
* Max makes friends everywhere he goes
* Hunter and Bear as names
* Tommy burned his taste buds off
* Kids can curse during songs and on vacation
* Nintendo 64
* Holy shit text from Max
* Tommy beat Tom at skiing
* Flea markets
* Putin says he is being canceled
* Gordon Ramsay sends chef to middle school
* Reptile trafficking
* Mama bears
* Scrapping
* Ross’ electric smoker deal
* Did Mary from Little House on the Prairie go blind from staring at the sun?
* The origin of the term Bucketlist
* Review of Jim’s Smokin’ Q
* VR cheating
* D-Kabob###
For all audio versions of this garbage, please go HERE:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478
TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH
Thanks for watching us and we’ll see you again tomorrow on Twitch at 10am-ish.
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