Feb 26
Late Night at Denny’s…
Annoy Your Friends
As you get older, there are things that were once common place in your life that sort of fall to the wayside. Things that were incredibly fun but you just don’t find the time to do them anymore. One of these things is “the late night trip to Denny’s.” Last night, after a few beers, loosing money at Jai Alai, and winning 2 sick goldfish by throwing a ping pong ball into jello at a carnival in the parking lot of said Jai Alai establishment…we ended up at Denny’s. We were loud. We were obnoxious. We laughed. We made older people eating around us uncomfortable.
Damn that was fun…getting older sucks.
Here are just two perfect examples of things that are funny at 1am at a Denny’s.
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