Feb 21
Another “MediocreApp” Android Update Post!
Annoy Your Friends
As I sit here sipping my coffee out of this AMAZINGLY awesome, limited edition “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” coffee mug that…well that…YOU CAN’T PURCHASE ANYMORE, HAHAHAHA…I think back to the time when we were just starting this podcast. There was a time, no so long ago, when Tom and I really thought that it would be amazing for our show to have a it’s own App. Well not only is that now the case but at the same time, our friend MediJocre has been “doing work” on both the iPhone version and the Android version. Trust me when I say that this dude is ALWAYS thinking!
With this said, we know that we’ve slighted those of you that use Android devices and that’s not to say that we think you guys are any less important than our listeners that use “fruit devices.” You’re just smart enough to not buy into the whole “Apple Cult” deal and can think for yourself without any limitations. You’re bold. You’re handsome. And you like your Applications to be free and a bit grittier than the homogenized flashiness that most of America’s “Generation Text” has come to know.
(You see what I’m doing, right? Buttering you up a little bit because it took so long.)
Enough of my rambling; here’s a message from the man himself, MediJocre!
MediocreApp is now officially on Google Play. This will be the standard location for the app moving forward – No more web links or unofficial repositories. It’s recommended that you uninstall any existing versions of the app and install the official release via Google Play. This will be the only supported version moving forward. Please report any issues to Medijocre and give him a chance to work out any kinks. You can reach him at:
As always, thanks, my friend. You go above and beyond. Bugs and all I hope you know how much you are appreciated not only by me and Tom but by all of these awesome people, scumbags, BDMs, that we call our friends!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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