Sep 29
What’s going on?
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there fine listeners of “A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan!”
Dan here coming at you from the AMT Studio. Well, it’s really me and Caesar. He’s sleeping and I’m currently printing out a full batch of your merch orders. FYI – for those of you that have been waiting for hats, I just shipped them about 15 minutes ago. You should be getting them this week and per a normal week schedule, all other orders should ship tomorrow.
Tom is playing in the Orlando City golf tournament. (I had a few things to handle with my Mom this morning.) But I know he send his love as well. Maybe.
Thanks to all of you that came out to Ember’s Final Friday after this week’s show. We always underestimate the number of “dick mugs” that we’re going to need when we do these events. Apologies to those of you that came out but ended up going home empty handed. We’re working on getting a few more and as always, you can order these mugs and more awesome stuff directly from our friends over at http://www.buyglasshole.com/ Dr. Glasshole is great and would love to make your dumb etching ideas come to life. Seriously. Challenge him. He’ll etch anything and did a fantastic job on our “golden throbbers.”
Tom’s really been busting his ass this week in an attempt to plan the next incarnation of the “Real Man Fest” or “Snootsgiving” event that we’ve always done in the month of November. We get board and don’t like to just give you guys the same event over and over and over. I’m going to keep the details under my hat for right now but I think that Tom is itching to tell you guys about what he’s been planning. It’s going to be fantastic! Trust me. It’s something that has never been done before.
Other than that, we’re concentrating this week on trying plan out an update for the App, get the second version of TomandDan.com planned out as well, and also make sure that all of you that support us get the correct and best merch possible. You guys have really been order crazy lately! Thanks for the support! Don’t forget that you can get free stickers now if you head over to the “contact us” tab on the TomandDan.com website. It’s 100% free. All that we ask is that you rock that shit on your car or Dad van.
As always – if you need anything from us – show@TomandDan.com
Have a great week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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