Apr 21
Annoy Your Friends
Lots of love and special thanks to the ever kind and talented photographer Brent Mathews for taking these amazing photos from “Diá de los Mediocres 2012!!!” If you need anything photo related…be a real doll-baby and head over to his site and throw him some work. (I know a few of you assholes are thinking of getting married…or have bands…or have kids that need to look less ugly. Hit him up…he’s fantastic!) His site can be found at www.brentmathewsphotography.com
Grab the photo that you were in and post that shit on your Facebook for us! Word of mouth is #AMT’s best friend so feel free to take your pictures and pass those around…
Here’s the link to the full set -> CLICK HERE!
Brent…thanks again man…and we know you’re heading to Warp Tour (or maybe you were already there…) soon so make sure and let us know how everything works out! You’re the best!
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The Show
Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.