Jan 13
Show #144 – Cue the Flute…start the feast… (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
We’re back in the studio for the latest edition of “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” The song that you hear at the beginning of the show is called “Pig Snoots.” (Don’t ask me where Ross found that but it’s pretty damned rad!)
On today’s show:
It’s a job now!
Are pickled pig’s feet really their feet?
A map making call from Puerto Rico. (We can’t really prove that he was calling from there.)
A “Little Bit of Doo Doo” is coming!
Tom’s Crash Video from www.TomandDan.com
Tom thinks that he can land on his feet every time if blindsided by a car while on a bike.
Fake dentists?
Mr. MacGruber calls to tell us about being a Pharmacist.
ODB’s FBI File.
Kings? Tom and Dan want to have the flute players play and then “start the feast!!!”
As always, we can’t thank you “scumbags” enough for the amount of love and support that we get from you. It’s truly over the top. The show is plugging along nicely and it’s all because you guys download, tell your friends and spread the good word of “AMT.” Thanks. It’s means more than you know…
Until next week…keep on downloading, rating us “5 stars” on iTunes and checking all there is to offer at www.TomandDan.com
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