Jan 24
Show #146 – Angel is STASHY! (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
Today we were lucky enough to have our buddy Angel from Real Radio’s SBK LIVE on the show. Angel is a more than interesting cat with tons of great stories to tell and has had an extremely interesting life…and h’e super young. Thanks to @RealRadioAngel <-make sure and follow him on Twitter and to listen to SBK LIVE weeks nights on Real Radio 104.1! You won’t be sorry…we love those guys…awesome peeps!
On today’s show:
Angel from Real Radio’s SBK LIVE!
Dad = Cool Dude’s Syndrome
Born in California, really? But…I…thought…
The Southern Puerto Rican.
“You’re shooting me in paradise!”
What is a 360 deal?
A call from “Trombone Will”
Grizz visits Africa
Thanks to all of you that download, tweet, Facebook, and participate in the show! www.TomandDan.com is updated almost daily, if not more and we love it when you guys visit and comment on what’s going on. Merch is still available and we’ll be adding to that section with new stuff very, very soon. to our “State Interns,” please keep doing what you’re doing…we can definitely tell that you’re helping. Seriously. Thank you. You guys are the best…truly.
PS…make sure to rate us on iTunes 5 Stars and to leave a nice little review…we really love that!
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