Apr 20
SHOW #158 – Fingering Holograms. Really. (Show Rundown…)
Annoy Your Friends
First of all…make sure that you guys head out and support Ross who’s going to be out at Trinity Tattoo’s Fusion Festival tonight at their Longwood location. Ross is going to be out there as “Ben Franklin” and he’ll have #AMT merch and his kid’s own “duck tape wallets.” Grab something and go support Trinity Tattoo who have always been massive supporters of “A Mediocre Time.”
On today’s show:
Our first show from the new “Studio 1A”
Etchie from RampantRadio.com
Moving Sucks
The studio shower
One Fat Chick
Stolen Breast Enhancement Photos
Weird Al
Licorice flavor
IQ Tests
A call from Earl Funk
Peppermint Dildo
Old Man Winter
The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife
Cam Shows
Keep rating us 5 stars on iTunes and leaving the reviews. It really helps us out guys! Thanks again for listening and for taking the time to support us. New T&D shirts coming next week…
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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