Oct 18
Show #234 – Spring Break Disease
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there gang!
Thanks so much for all of you that turned into the show LIVE today and thank you, as always, to those of you that take the time to subscribe, download, and partake in the show. Today we would like to welcome a brand new client to the “A Mediocre Time” family in the form of Jeremiah’s Italian Ice! These guys are great and we’re more than happy to have them on the #AMT team! Make sure and check out their ad on TomandDan.com, click it, and then sign up for their “J-List.” This will give you option to find out the new products that they have coming out, where they’re going to be maybe even giving out free product, and even coupons that you can use if you like to go there and eat their deliciousness! If you like the show, then go sign up and please…tell them that we sent you! We couldn’t be more proud to be working with these guys!
On today’s show:
Call Ross…something is wrong!
Tom goes to the Dr.
“Squid Kid”
Scared Straight
Spring Break Disease
Scott’s Scared Straight Circle
Kristin Fowler (Tuddle’s Wife) 7 the Walking Dead
Tom & Dan throw Samantha’s Bachelorette Party
Thanks again for listening and we’ll see you in a week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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