Dec 27
Show #244 – DUCK DYNASTY
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there kids…
Thanks to all of you for tuning into the show and for taking the time to download the podcast! It really does mean more to use than you know. Today was the first show Tom has done since becoming a FREE man and we had a sh*t ton of fun doing it. On today’s show:
Tom & Dan Straight Talk with Chuck Gallagher
B-holes VS Vagines
Catching up with Tim, Tom’s brother
The Jewish Sailboat Real Man
THE Gummies
Miley does the Al Bundy
Betty Bolts
Girls vs Push-ups
Listener’s Worst Christmas Gifts
Thanks to all of you for tuning into the “Friday FREE Show.” We know that most of you already know this but if you’d like 2 extra shows per week, please check out the BDM Shows that we offer at TomandDan.com. You’re going to get one brand new show plus one “golden classic” show that we did a few years ago and had to take down because of…well…we won’t get into that. At least not for now.
Have a great week! BDM’s, we’ll see you Monday and “Free-showers” we’ll see you in a week!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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