Jan 22
Show #248 – If You’ve Got The Time…
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there guys.
We know it’s going to catch a lot of you guys off guard that we’re broadcasting on a Wednesday but we’ve got to do that so Tom can get the hell to Colorado for vacation and hang with his friends! Also, as soon as he get’s back we’ll be getting right back plane and heading to California to watch ourselves lose the 2013 Stitcher Awards. So there’s that.
Thanks to all of you that joined us live today and thanks to all of you for downloading. It really means more than you know and we’re so glad that you guys have been hanging with us for so long.
On today’s show:
Miller Beer
Ice Cube
A sack of beers
Russian Problems Again
An Interview with Logan and Will from “As Dreamers Do”
Thanks for listening everyone. I guess the next time that we chat with you, we’ll be in California. Wish us the best!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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