Apr 25
Show #261 – Brandon T. Jackson
Annoy Your Friends
So we had Brandon T. Jackson on the show today. We’ve really fallen into an awesome groove with the comedians that we have in on the show lately. Thanks so much to The Orlando Improv for providing the rides over to the studio and for making these great interviews happen. If you really like what we’re doing, if you really like the fact that we’re having all of these great comedians in on the show, then you owe it to the Improv to head out there and take in a show. Trust us when we tell you that you will LOVE the venue and love all of the great comics that they bring to Orlando.
If that wasn’t enough, we are luck enough to have our friend Brian or Bull from the BS on the show today. We knew that this guy was still in the market and we’re more than happy to know that he’s doing so well. We hope that you all enjoy today’s show and make sure that you check out TomandDan.com for all of the new merch that we ‘re offering at this time. Lambo tanks are back in stock we also have the new “P-Admiral” shirt that will more than likely never be printed again.
Have a great weekend, guys and we’ll see you next week!
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