May 24
Show #264 – Not Dead Yet Podcast
Annoy Your Friends
I’m typing this to you from the back of the “A Mediocre Time” studio where I’ve currently got my smoker going in full effect with some ribs on it. I’m also terrible sorry that it’s a day late but Tom and I both had to work the Orlando City game last night so there was really no time at the end of the day for hour keeping. Apologies. (Back to ribs! For those of you that really like that stuff, Andrea and I are doing a 3-2-1 process on 3 racks of baby backs finished with a raspberry chipotle BBQ sauce. Should be pretty good and it’s been quite some time since I’ve put anything on the smoker. Yes folks, it’s that time of year! Oh, we’re also doing a batch of ABT’s to take to Tom as a belated baby “for gift.” If you don’t know what those are, Google them. They’re rad!)
So yesterday we had the pleasure of having the fellas from the “Not Dead Yet Podcast” on our show. Those of you that have been listening to us for quite some time will note that this is something that we normally don’t do. (Have other shows on our show.) It’s true. We don’t dabble with a lot of other podcasts and admittedly a great deal of the hesitation there is my fault. Early on, when we were just starting out, we would talk to a great deal of guys who had ideas of doing almost exactly the same thing that we were attempting to do. Unfortunately, because we came from a professional broadcasting background, whether it be college of just time and “radio reps” that we put in, there was a strange vibe with other podcasts. Sadly, some of these shows would put off this vibe that if anything we did was mildly successful, that it had been handled to us on a silver platter. This perplexed me because I’ve always put in my time, paid my dues, and worked as hard or harder than almost anyone that I know to achieve my goals. My hesitation took over and we distanced ourselves because we became targets of other shows and the same strange “bro animosity” that I hated in the radio world, started to creep into a world that I loved far more. It was all good though, we just kept that distance. (I’m rambling.)
“The Not Dead Yet Podcast” is also different in that they came from sort of the same world that Tom and I floated in for many years; radio. It was MORE than a pleasure having Alex and Tommy in on the show, talking about old times at Real Radio 104.1, and chatting about the greatness that I feel is to come! Be sure and check out those guys and give them some love from us. Ok, rant over.
On today’s podcast:
Thanks to soulless elephants
“Ding Dong Bundy”
Tom eats a bad steak
Dan’s going on a cruise
A phone call to Mama Dennis
Tommy and Alex from “Not Dead Yet Podcast”
And while I’m giving love to peeps that are fighting the good fight, please give love to “The Answer Pants Podcast”, “The SBKLIVE Podcast with Kevin, Matt, and Angel”, and check out “Orlando City SoccerCast” for good measure. (I know it’s just me and Tom again but we think that you might really, really, really like it. It’s not ONLY for adults like AMT, but we have a great time trying to put our own personal spin on the soccer world.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
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