Jul 31
Show #325 – Martin Luther Octopus
Annoy Your Friends
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to download, catch it live, and support “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” It really does mean more tan you know. We have a blast doing the show but it wouldn’t even be close to what it was if it wasn’t for you guys and all of your support. WE HAVE THE BEST LISTENERS IN THE WORLD. That’s a fact.
On this week’s AMT:
-Shannon Burke not allowed on ACT
-Tom got in a accident
-Gayco Emu
-Spiders sh*t their webs?
-Tom got a ticket
-We call Tom’s wife about ticket
-Quarry Prank
-Time archaeology
-Hulk Hogan audio with his son
-Pee repellent paint
-Facebook drones
-Akeem Woods is here- August 20th at The Improv
-Sketchy podcasts
-Akeem was tricked into the worst podcast experience
-Tom sings about Goofys grandfather
-Ducks and Octopus friends?!
-Martin Luther Octopus
-Tom’s Thoughts podcast
-Are you ready for some fingers?
Thanks again for being along for the ride and please know that there is tons of new merch on TomandDan.com. All the best to all of you and thanks again for helping to spread the word.
– d
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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