Aug 29
Show #329 – Cornpole & AzzBuck
Annoy Your Friends
Hey there kids! Thanks for joining us today for another “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” podcast. We’ve really been trying to step up the action on ALL shows and we really hope that you’re enjoying what we’ve been bringing to the table! You guys are the best listeners in the world and we’re trying to make sure that what we do reflects that.
Real quick – ladies – your shirts mailed yesterday! We were very lucky that Tom’s sister-in-law worked almost all of Friday to get your gear out to you. All love and thanks to her for her hard work. If you have any issues or if there are questions about merch, throw us an email: Show@TomandDan.com – I’ll be sure and get back to you and if I don’t…email me again.
Today’s show was crazy and I know I say that a lot but dammit man – I was cry laughing! We had my Mom on the show to chat about “Cornpoling” – fantastic news and T&D emails – and a very special call from “Buck” for the 1st ever edition of “Azz Buck!” If you’ve got a question for Buck, please hit up 1-850-397-4677 and we’ll flag your voicemail for a future show! As it stands, we know that you guys like Buck and we’re working with his councilors and officers to make sure that we can talk to him as much as possible.
On today’s show:
-Dan has anxiety
-Hurricanes overrated
-Video of cops raiding a dispensary
-People who don’t want kids
-Dan’s mom wants to be a professional corn poler
-Ross almost beat up an old man over cutting in line
-Gallagher hates babies
-Getting drunk at airports
-Old people maze walker
-Buck can hear you breathing
-E-cigs #AlienFlute
Today also marks the first day that we were live on #Periscope. Not only was it a true success but we’re trying to approach the whole thing in a different way. Rather than just using the audio from the phone which I think we can all agree sucks – we’re trying to bring you studio quality audio. Being the audiophile that I am, there’s no way in hell that I want you guys listening to us quietly chat in the distance while we’re doing the show. We can do better than that or at least we’re always going to try!
Thanks again to all of you for listening – don’t forget to follow me (@DanielDennis) Tom (@TomVann) and @AMediocreTime on Twitter and Periscope if you’d like to get in on the action. Have a fantastic weekend!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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