Dec 22
Show #346 – Chicken Skin
Annoy Your Friends
Yo! Happy Holiday’s friends!
We hope that this blog message accompanying this show finds you and yours well! We also hope that all of you BDM members really, really enjoy the “#159: Explanation” show that we released yesterday. I’m going to be real with you and tell you that as cathartic it was – it was also very taxing. Tom and I were like zombies when we rolled into the studio today and here we are at the final show of the year. We’re really proud of what we’ve done here and we’re more than proud that you guys are along with us for the ride. What a wonderful ride it has been! On today’s show:
-Last show of 2015
-Tom tells his vasectomy story
-Advil does nothing!
-Bad doc reviews
-Who died in this coffin?
-“I understand the concept of wigs” -Tom
-Steve Harvey/Miss Universe fiasco
-The Christmas spirit is when things go all wrong
-Always go puff side first
-Tom has chicken skin
-Radio station bathrooms
-Sit on your shell
Thanks for listening, kids and Tom and I both really hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday. We’re still going to be doing shows for the new year but this is the last show of the year. We can’t thank you all enough for the amount of love and support that you all give us day in and day out. It really does mean more than you know!
Love to you all!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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