Dec 22
Show #501 – White Trash Christmas
Annoy Your Friends
It’s almost Christmas, ya’ll!?!?!!!
Is anyone else freaking out yet? I’m actually pretty excited because this is going to be the first full Christmas that I’ve got to experience with a child who actually knows what the hell is going on. I’m stoked. With that said, it’s a decent amount of stress too, you know, keeping up all of the lies. Kidding. But I am really excited about a little bit of time off, some time with the family, and above all, some online “Red Dead Redemption 2!” (BTW – if you’re on Xbox One and you’re playing, look for me. My Gamertag is “AMediocreDan.”)
Thanks to all of you who listen, who download, who purchase our merch, and to all of you who consistently participate and make all of our shows what they are. You guys are the finest listeners that anyone could ever have and I’m blown away by the engagement and fun that we all have on a daily basis. Oh, and don’t forget that all shows are on Twitch. If you’re not sure what Twitch is, it’s a streaming service that allows you to watch us recording the show LIVE from AMT Studio 3. Find almost all of our older LIVE shows HERE: www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive – Most all “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” shows are on there. All comedian interviews and all Friday Free Shows are on there too. It’s a fun added companion to us just recording a show in the studio; you get to see all of our expressions, how we react to certain comments and a decent amount of head shaking and eye-rolling from Samantha. Hahaha… And if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can use your already purchased subscription to watch us LIVE with zero commercials messing up your feed. The best part about that is that it’s completely free, does not cost you a dime, and it put a very small amount of money back into the show so we can tighten up recording equipment and put a little money in Juan’s pocket for all of the hard work that he’s done for us regarding Twitch.
On this week’s show:
- White Christmas
- Tiffany almost died during her wedding potshot
- Tiffany is getting into the edible business
- Too high for boners
- Kirk Murray stops by
- Nerd-off with Busdeker and Kirk
- Kirk is opening a restaurant
- Tom and Vann guarantee
- Tom’s gift from Dan: Cheese Melter
- Daniel is an emotional goat
- Booby traps
Well, gang, that’s about it from us until next Friday. (We should be doing a show as normal on the 28th.) From all of us at T&D Media, we hope that you and your family have nothing short of a stellar holiday!!! No matter what you celebrate, we wish you the best and loads and loads of fellowship with all of those that you love. Tom and I have some pretty huge things in the works for 2019 and we’re excited to be able to share those with you as soon as we can.
Take care and be safe out there!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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