Jan 20
“State of the Studio:” Part Five
Annoy Your Friends
Well, most of you already know that we’re in the studio and things are going pretty well so far. We’re trying to put the finishing touches on everything so we can start to plan the studio tour and gathering for the “Founders” that helped to fund the build out. We could almost do that now but we’d rather have it all be completed before we start parading people through here.
Just as the carpet was a bit of a hassle (but it came out fantastic,) the next project that we’re working on is internal and external branding elements. This could be anything from graphics that you’re going to see on the walls throughout the lobby – office – and studio – and also the outside signage that we’ll have for guests and clients. This MUST be City of Orlando specific and approved.
In the lobby, we’re doing a main “T&D Media” graphic for the coffee table that will be housed under glass as well as a subtle wall brand for the interior wall next to the lobby television. The back wall of the lobby will have a permanent “step and repeat” for photos-ops with guests and will be printed and installed all as one piece.
“A mock up of the coffee table graphic. Hi Caesar!”
“The Mostest Mediocrest in Entertainment.”
“Permanent photo step and repeat wall.”
The actual studio is going to be a little bit more advanced with the branding and logos being printed or sublimated on the actual acoustic tiles that we’re purchasing from OverTone Acoustics. Although the sound that we’re currently getting is pretty spot on – these tiles will diffuse about 20% more bouncing audio and will improve the actual deadness of our main studio space. It’s not only going to look good but it’s going to have purpose which is pretty rad!
“Proposed acoustic tile art. Our faces will soak up dick joke audio.”
Finally, we’re going through the process and necessary permitting for out exterior signage. This is proving to be one of the most difficult things that we’ve ever done. The area that we’re in – how can I put this – is QUITE particular about how they want things to look. Even as I type this, we already have a complaint pending in that we hung our brand specific “red” curtains in the front facing windows but apparently that is NOT allowed. All exterior facing window treatments “must be white or off white.” So there’s that…
“A mock up and technical details of our T&D Media signage.”
We’re not here to ruffle feathers so I went ahead and just doubled up the curtains with thicker white curtains to hide the red that can only be seen now from inside the lobby. Problem solved but that should give you an idea of what we’re up against. We will have two double sided external signs with the “T&D Media logo” and most of you should recognize that dude on the sign; it’s none other than studio dwelling pup and mascot, Caesar Dennis. And yes – he’s smoking a pipe because he’s a fucking pimp.
With all of this said, please allow me and Tom to take this time to thank all of the people that have helped us in this independent studio journey.
WEL International
WEL International is a manufacturer of custom carpets and rugs specializing in Axminster Carpet, Hand Tufted Rugs, CYP Carpet and Printed Carpet for the Hospitality Industry, Cruise Lines, Casinos, Convention Centers, Retail, Stadiums and Assisted Living Facilities. They did a fantastic job with our carpet and we’re more than proud to be using them in our studio! Contact them HERE!
Ron Herrick Carpet Service
There’s no website on this one folks. This guys is as old school as it comes but he’s fast, efficient, honest, and been in the carpet game for well over 50 years! If you’re in need of carpet help, Ron can more than likely help you out. And if he can’t, I’d bet my ass that he knows someone that can help you. 407-319-9191
Drew Montes
He can build stuff. He builds speaker cabinets and was all like “Fuck yeah I can build you guys a studio console desk.” He’s a long time listener – a BDM – and just a damn fine dude. He did an amazing job on our console and we can’t wait to see the other two matching smaller desks that he’s making for both Ross and Samantha to use in the studio. Contact him HERE!
Closets By Design – AJ Catulo
We have these rad custom cabinets now where there used to be a stinky ass water fountain. Storage – function – and they just plain make everything look better! We’ve got space for snacks for guests and a place to put our new Ninja Coffee Bar. Yep. We fell for the hype. So far so good but if you’re in need of cabinets from scratch – this might be your guy! Contact them HERE!
Sony Corporation of America – Jayson Savage
This guy rules and reached out to us about being a client and partner of T&D Media and all of our podcasts. We’re working on getting a really nice and huge monitor for the studio and he hooked us up with 5 pairs of Sony – MDR-7506 Studio Monitor Headphones. These are pretty much the industry standard for radio broadcasting and we’re so happy to be using them in our new space. Ask Ross how “creamy and crisp” the sound is. He’ll scream in your face about it.
Guardian Water Services
Coffee and water for guests is paramount. It’s the number one and number two things that people ask for when they come in here. Both of those, for us, are powered by Guardian Water Services and they’re reverse osmosis system. Water as good as bottled and right from your tap. They’re a client and even beyond that, they do tons for the Yellow Brick Road – The Holden Flynn Foundation. Great water – even better people! Contact them HERE!
Last but certainly not least…
The Danger Brain – Sebastian and Alfonso Surroca
A branding agency that we love with all of our heart! These guys are unwavering with their dedication and creativity toward our show and most importantly our brand. They know how to make us look like we sound – actually – retraction – they make us look BETTER than we sound. Most every piece of art that you have seen, has been a part of the T&D Media brand and the shows underneath that umbrella has been touched by Sebastian and his brother. Our brand has evolved over time and is still evolving. All love and thanks to these guys and we can’t wait to see where our brand will go with their artistic assistance. We love the Brains! Contact them HERE!
All of you.
I’ve typed it before so I’ll spare you – but man we love you guys! As supporters, listeners, BDMs, Founders, 200, and most importantly FRIENDS – you have made it possible for Tom and me to keep this things going. Not only are we still going but we’re trying to make the product and all things that surround it BETTER THAN EVER! The only way that we can repay you is to forge on and try to make the content that we’re already providing better and better. You have our word and we promise to do just that. We’re more than excited for where things are going and we’re glad that you’re with us to enjoy this. It’s a shit ton of work but you listeners make all of it completely worth the headaches.
All the best,
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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