• Sep 23

    T-Shirt Tuesday!!!


    Annoy Your Friends


      Today we’re proud to announce the beginning of a brand new giveaway that we plan on continuing every single Tuesday for a full year and beyond! As a way to give back to all of you that download our shows, download our Apps, spend time on TomandDan.com, listen to our show on Real Radio 104.1, buy our merch, and come to ALL of our events – we present #TShirtTuesdays. If you have already downloaded the Tom and Dan “MediocreApp” then you know that whenever we have a new show, you will receive a push notification saying so. With that said – we now have the ability to select one listener EVERY SINGLE TUESDAY, send them and only them a secret message – and give that selected person a FREE “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” T-shirt! How do you become eligible to win? Just download the “MediocreApp” in the iTunes Store and load it up. That’s it! We’ll do the rest and spread the mediocre goodness throughout the world by giving back to those who have and continue to make this show successful and fun! (Plus, our App has all of our shows – Friday FREE and BDM – and you can listen to the show live on Fridays with it.) Is this contest FREE? Yes. Do you have to buy anything? No. Do you have to be a BDM Member? NO. (But we do love our BDM’s just a little bit more. Kind of like when you’re a Father and you have a son…you know, you know…winky, winky…) This contest runs itself and is 100% FREE to those of you that use our App!

      Thanks in advance to all of you for continuing to support the show and keep the studio running.

      And maybe we’ll see you in a push notification!

      Attention Android Users: You guys are a little behind and we’re sorry for that. At this time this is only for people that are using the iOS version of the “MediocreApp.”



      Posted By dan on September 23 2014 | Comments (9 )


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