Apr 08
Tom and Dan 4 Year Anniversary Party THIS SATURDAY!
Annoy Your Friends
Can you believe that we’ve been doing this podcast for the past 4 years!?!?! Through all of the trials, tribulations, issues, grievances, and haters, we are proud to have made it four full years of “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!” No one could be more happy about this than us and as always, we love to thank you guys, our subscribers and downloaders by providing you with a fun and FREE event. Mark your calendar for April 13th, 2013. This year, we’re heading back to Wall Street and we’re going to be posting up at the new bar Hooch for “A Mediocre Shine with Tom and Dan!” It’s time to celebrate 4 Years of us! We’re an “All-American” show so we’re celebrating by going back to our roots; just two American patriots sitting and shooting the shit! We get everything going at 7pm with pictures with an “All-American” version of our “World Famous Camel Girl” and classic, good time music presented by Joseph Martens and our good friend Fiddlin Jesse Daumen. The first 150 people in the door get a custom “Tom and Dan – 4 Year” mason jar and you’ll get discounted drinks with the use of said jar! From 8-9 we’ll be having a Sapo tournament for prizes and giveaways! What’s more American than Sapo! (It’s a Puruvian coin tossing game that if you’ve never played before, you’re going to love!) Then we’re back to music from 9pm until we wander out. As always, this is a 100% FREE event to all people that have supported us and enjoy “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan.” This is our way of thanking you for helping us with the show. It means more than you know! Check out the Facebook event HERE!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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