Jan 08
Wax that shit.
Annoy Your Friends
A few blogs ago, I posted about having my mustache back. Well, for anyone that hasn’t attempted to grow a “cool dude” ‘stache…having a good wax to use to make sure it’s well combed and taken care of is paramount. Well, everyone on the net was telling me about this company out of Portland called “Man’s Face Stuff” and how great their product is.
I can honestly tell you that even after just one use, I’m hooked. I’ve been using the all too typical “Clubman” tube wax but that gets so old after a while. “Man’s Face Stuff” has crazy scents like “Gin and Tonic”, “Red Hot” and “All Nighter” which is the MOST real man scent…it’s pipe tobacco mixed with coffee.
I’m pretty sure my Dad would have eaten a can of that! Not that many of you are…but if you’re trying to get you ‘stache in shape and want something to really set it apart and a good product that won’t break the bank…you might want to give them a look. www.facebook.com/mansfacestuff
…tell them that they need to be “The Offical Moustache Wax” of AMT…
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