Jan 06
We won “Best Podcast” in TheDailyCity.com Best of Orlando 2012!!!
Annoy Your Friends
If you’re attempting to do anything hip around the city of Orlando (is that even possible?)…if you’re looking for something fun to do…if you’re trying to get a hold of some food trucks…arts, entertainment, music…FOOD…anything…
…well then TheDailyCity.com is the website to check out. We use it all the time and are honored to have won “Best Podcast” by their fine site. Now granted…we were going up against a ‘cast that’s not even around anymore…and we’ve even attempted to eliminate the term “podcast” from our “show” but we’re truly honored by the win.
Please go and frequent their site. We’re sure that you’ll love it as much as we do and we’ll be more than proud to hang our award in our shitty little studio.
Anything will be an improvement from Ross’ coffee water bottles and the “dick horn” that’s hanging on the wall.
Thanks to Mark and everyone at TheDailyCity.com for the love…this is a very, very cool “mediocre” milestone.
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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